The Office of the Inspector-General of Aged Care (OIGAC) is pleased to welcome Ms Natalie Siegel-Brown as she commences in her role as the Inspector-General of Aged Care today. Her appointment as the inaugural statutory office holder of this position marks a significant milestone for our agency.
Natalie brings more than 20 years’ experience in social justice to the role, with expertise spanning disability, aged care and elder abuse, domestic and family violence, sexual violence, child abuse and neglect, youth justice and mental health.
Quotes attributable to Natalie Siegel-Brown:
“I am deeply honoured to take on the role of Inspector-General of Aged Care and to serve older people in Australia by overseeing the Commonwealth's administration of the aged care system.”
“This appointment is not just a role – it is a commitment to ensuring human rights are at the heart of aged care service delivery. Older people are not just recipients of care, they are vital members of our community, deserving of respect, dignity, and meaningful engagement throughout their lives.”
Under Natalie’s leadership, the OIGAC will continue to strengthen its oversight role, ensuring that the administration and delivery of aged care remains rights-based, fit-for-purpose and accessible to older people.
We thank the outgoing Acting Inspector-General, Mr Ian Yates AM, for his leadership and his instrumental role in establishing the OIGAC as a new, independent agency within the aged care system.